Delphi 3 Client Server Developer's Guide

There are many books about Delphi in general, but few specific about database development. The generic books have only one or two chapters about this subject, but this one (with almost 1000 pages) talks only about database development with Delphi, focusing in Client/Server databases.

The book is divided in four parts:

The appendix, with almost 70 pages, shows the migration from other languages to Delphi: C/C++, Powerbuilder, VB and XBase. He shows here a function SendKeys, to send keys to other applications and functions to migrate from Xbase to Delphi.

This is one of the few books directed exclusively to client/server development in Delphi. Although its primary focus is clien/server databases, it's not entirely dedicated to them: the chapters about application design and development are very useful to everyone, specially those who already use desktop databases. It shows obscure subjects that may times scare the newbies, in a clear and objective manner.

The component part doesn't focus on data-aware components, as is common, but creates components that aid application develpment, as the LiveQuery component, a descendant of the TTable, showing the result of a query.

The reference section about databases, although a little repetitive (each chapter repeats the same concepts for each database), is fundamental to everyone who wants to know how to link Delphi to databases and their specifics.

This book is highly recommended to everyone beginning with client/server development, specially for those who came from less complex environments, like Xbase.

The book comes with a CD-Rom with all the source code in the book and some components and demo programs.

Author: Ken Henderson

Editor: SAMS Publishing

904 pages

Level: Beginner+ to Advanced-

ISBN: 0-672-31024-4

Price: 59.99

Rank: Delphi Delphi Delphi Delphi HDelphi

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Updated on 08/02/1998
Bruno Sonnino